Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gemma Massey Nude

Ok guys here is the new theme of Gemma Massey, she is topless and goes naked but you only see tits and bare ass, and i know, im not a big fan of plastic tits, but damn these have to be the best ones i have ever seen,very believable.

So as usual, if you are under 18 dont use this theme, blah blah, you know the rules.

Only the top level icons are nude, the rest are clothed or semi nude, or you see her bare ass, it is a full theme all icons are done, the nice blue focus icon i used is the focus icon for this one.

In this theme Gemma is dress like a Skool girl/uni/collage girl, and has white socks on and poses around and on her bed.

This theme has been tested on my psp and works, it uses the new version on the theme creator.

This is very important, you MUST i repeat MUST be on the new 3.80m33 firmware, do NOT use on older versions, the reason being the new version now has the radio and i tired to make a theme for the 1.2 version theme creator on my 3.71m33 and it did not work.


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Saturday, January 26, 2008


Sorry about the lack of updates, been getting pins and needles in my hands allot, too much gaming i think.

Just a quick note to say that 3.80m33-3,4 and 5 are out, if you haven't got them its time to go and update.

I am hoping the new theme creator version will work now with 3.80m33.

Lastly with in the next day or so i will be releasing my next theme, its one of Gemma Massey, so keep an eye out.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Psp News

If you haven't heard already, Sony is going to release a 16gig yes 16gig psp memory stick, its due out later in the year, and is set to retail at $300US.

Also in news is 3.80m33, the new custom firmware from Dark Alex is out, but not only that with in less than 24 hours 3.80m33-2 was released.

If you are wondering there are no problems, i tested each of my themes and they all work fine on 3.80m33-2, i haven't tried it on 3.80m33, but its safe to say it will work.

With this new CFW the internet radio is available, and also in this feature you are supposed to be able to download new CFW releases via the psp instead of downloading via pc and then putting onto memory card, i have not tested this as i dont have internet for my psp as i have no need for it.

Also in the future sony will release Skype for the psp, but due to the ram needed it will not work on psp fat, only the new slim version.

I hope to have a new theme later in the week, still sorting out which one.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Kari Byron Mythbusters girl

Well this is my new theme, its of the Mythbusters girl Kari Byron.
Its a full icon set so all icons are done, its not the best one as its not easy to get good photos of her, most of the photos on the web are from stuff she is doing during the show.

Its tested and works fine on my psp.



Http Link

Rs Links

Monday, January 7, 2008

Lucy Pinder & Michelle Marsh

Ok guys the first one of the year thought i would make it a good one, its Lucy Pinder & Michelle Marsh together.
Its a full set all icons are done, there isn't any nudity, but still very sexy, every icon has Michelle & Lucy together, the focus icon is the red one from previous themes as it sits well.

I do have plans for Michelle by herself, and a nude one of her by herself for later in the year, i also have plans for the both of these girls to be together nude as i have a few photo's, but i am unsure if it will ever be a full theme, depends on if i can find enough photo's.



Http download

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 plans

Well its 08 for me anyway, i hope you had a good time if you into that thing, for me its just another day.
I hope you have a good year, im glad its 08 cos 07 was a shit year for me.

Anyway, my plans for 08.
Lucy Pinder: i will add at least one more theme of her, though more than likely not nude.

Michelle Marsh: i will release a non nude and a nude one of her.

2girls: i will do 2 themes of 2 girls, both will be a non nude and nude and of course both those themes will be of Michelle Marsh and Lucy Pinder.

Mortal Kombat: i will release at least one more of mortal kombat.

Iga G: i will release a couple more of her as she is my personal favourite, so hot, busty and playful.

Monkia Miller/Hajakova: i will release a couple of her, which will be nude.

Others: a friend of mine has gotten a thing for stockings, as he is a very good and long time friend i will do a couple for him, i have also been asked to do one of the red heard girl from mythbusters which i may do later on, maybe a game or two based themes such as ratchet and clank, maybe the hot blonde from Alvin and the chipmunks, and of course some lesser known girls.

Don't forget comments are open, feel free to ask for a girl.

Off topic, if you haven't seen I am legend, do yourself a favour and don't, its garbage.
If you are like me and in your late 20's, Alvin and the chipmunks isn't a bad laugh.

New theme by the end of the week.