Monday, March 31, 2008

Iga Lap Top

Ok, this is a release of the Iga Lap Top for the ps3, i had to double up on some of the icons as there wasnt enough, so you have been warned.

It is of course like the psp version and 18+ only, so as you know blah blah if your under 18.

This has been tested and works, i tested it on the latest firmware for the ps3.

As last time some icons are the Sony ones, like the folding thing, and PS store, which seem to not be able to be changed, and as before i had to use pc screen shot capture as there isnt one for the ps3, so ignore the background stuff.






Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lucy Pinder Black Stockings (D.R)

Ok Guys next theme is here, its of Lucy Pinder in black stockings, she does go topless but you dont see anything she uses the old "arm bra", very sexy and classy as always.

So i know your wondering what is this for, and whats D.R, well simple, Dual Release, i made one theme with the set of images for ps3 and one set for psp.

The psp version has been tested on 3.80m33-5.

The ps3 has been tested on 2.17.

Both work fine, i will post both in this thread so make sure you download the right one.

No doubt there will be a couple of more things on your mind so i will set things straight.
1. The ps3 version works on both tv types, the theme maker lets you have one wallpaper for HD and one for SD, so it doesnt matter what resolution you are using it will work on both.
2. Whats with the ps3 screens, well it seems there isnt the homebrew scene for ps3 as there is for psp, and i have asked a few places and there doesnt seem to be a ps3 screenshot capture program, the ps3 theme maker lets you preview the theme, so i previewed it and used my pc screenshot capture program, thats why they are the way they are.
3. Whats with the size, well you have to remember the ps3 theme has 2 wallpapers, one HD and one SD, plus the icons are much bigger.






How to use PS3 themes




Enjoy boys.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

How to use ps3 themes

For those who dont know this is how you use a custome ps3 theme.

1. Pick your theme and download it.

2. Connect a usb pen drive, or if you are using a card connect it to the pc.

3. In which ever you are using, in the ROOT of the device (if you dont know, C: is a root of your pc hdd.), make a folder called ps3.

4. Inside the ps3 folder make another folder called theme.

5. Inside the folder called theme place the custom theme.

6. Disconnect or removed the pen drive or card.

7. Connect which ever one you used to your ps3 while the ps3 is on.

8. Move across the xmb to settings and then down to theme settings.

9. Click theme, then go UP to install.

10. It will show your pen drive or card, click the theme and it will install.

11. move down to your custom theme click it, click apply it will add it.

12. Enjoy your new theme.

How to use psp themes

In case there is anyone who doesnt know how to use a custom psp theme here is a quick guide.

1. Pick your theme and download it.

2. Connect your psp to your pc via a usb cable, or place your psp memory card in a reader.

3. Go into the card and into the folder called psp, inside place the psp theme inside the folder called theme, if you dont see a folder called theme simply make one.

4. Disconnect the usb or remove the card from the reader and put it back into the psp.

5. Go across the XMB to settings, move down till you see theme settings.

6. Click the theme settings, then theme,you will then see original or custom then your themes.

7. Pick the theme you want, then click apply and wait a few seconds till it adds the theme.

8. Enjoy your new theme.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Small redesign, happening fellas,

As you might notice the rss link is still the same, but now the name has changed.
Why the redesign you say, well simple, yesterday i finely got my hands on a ps3, got the ratchet and clank bundle, and lego star wars, pretty sweet games.

I have found a program to help create ps3 themes, so in the next couple of days i will add a new theme.

So from now on you guys will be able to get new custom hot babe themes for your psp and ps3 all from the one site.

To make things easy i will just use the same labels, labels with nothing at the end are psp themes, the ps3 themes i make will have ps3 on the end.
So like files listed as Babe are for psp, files listed as Babe ps3 are for the ps3.

I will try to add a ps3 theme soon, but if you have a ps3 you know how hard it is to put down, and need time to get used to the new theme maker and test it out, so just hang in there guys.

Have a good weekend, and ah happy Easter if you into that stuff.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mai Busty Asian

Ok guys, new theme, this is of a hot busty Asian girl called Mai, now of course busty is a term im using loosely as we all know they dont grow em busty in Asia, but these arent small either.

She is wearing a blue swimsuit type outfit and poses in a few places, cute girl.

Now be warned, as usual if your under 18 blah blah.

This is a mixed set, mostly topless, but you do see full nudity, so you have been warned, and dont worry guys, she is half white so she doesnt have a rainforest between her legs.







Sunday, March 9, 2008

Judgement Day

And i heard as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, "come and see", and i saw, and behold a white horse, judgement day.

Well not really,its just SUMMER GLAU!.

Thats right boys, the newest theme is here, and its of sexy Summer Glau, mixed set of pix of her, just about all of them are images from Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles, or promos for the show.

Enjoy little GlauBot.




Monday, March 3, 2008

Iga Laptop

Ok guys here is the next one, another Iga, she poses on her bed with a laptop, she is wearing a white blouse, blank skirt, stockings and a red thong, she does go topless.

While the wallpaper is non nude, some of the icons are nude but she only goes topless, but still one of her sexiest shoots ever.

And of course, blah blah under 18 blah blah.




