Saturday, March 22, 2008

How to use psp themes

In case there is anyone who doesnt know how to use a custom psp theme here is a quick guide.

1. Pick your theme and download it.

2. Connect your psp to your pc via a usb cable, or place your psp memory card in a reader.

3. Go into the card and into the folder called psp, inside place the psp theme inside the folder called theme, if you dont see a folder called theme simply make one.

4. Disconnect the usb or remove the card from the reader and put it back into the psp.

5. Go across the XMB to settings, move down till you see theme settings.

6. Click the theme settings, then theme,you will then see original or custom then your themes.

7. Pick the theme you want, then click apply and wait a few seconds till it adds the theme.

8. Enjoy your new theme.

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