Thursday, March 20, 2008


Small redesign, happening fellas,

As you might notice the rss link is still the same, but now the name has changed.
Why the redesign you say, well simple, yesterday i finely got my hands on a ps3, got the ratchet and clank bundle, and lego star wars, pretty sweet games.

I have found a program to help create ps3 themes, so in the next couple of days i will add a new theme.

So from now on you guys will be able to get new custom hot babe themes for your psp and ps3 all from the one site.

To make things easy i will just use the same labels, labels with nothing at the end are psp themes, the ps3 themes i make will have ps3 on the end.
So like files listed as Babe are for psp, files listed as Babe ps3 are for the ps3.

I will try to add a ps3 theme soon, but if you have a ps3 you know how hard it is to put down, and need time to get used to the new theme maker and test it out, so just hang in there guys.

Have a good weekend, and ah happy Easter if you into that stuff.

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